Sunday, May 6, 2012

Adding some clean up crew

Added 4 small hermit crabs (red and blue legged) Should have been 5 but one turned out to be an empty shell
Added 7 Nassarius snails! Very active disappeared under the sand as soon as I put them in the tank!
Added a Peppermint shrimp! Wanted more, but this was their last one!

Met another member of the AC&C crew, Jeremy helped me to find what I needed today. I really need some turbo snails and some more peppermint shrimp, might need some more hermits too! Andrew wasn't there so I wasn't able to trade in my eshopps overflow box or coralife super skimmer for store credit like I had planned on. I'll be stopping by again next week sometime or maybe next weekend to trade those in, and hopefully pick up a few more inverts. Might grab a coral frag or two as well!

My clownfish and six line wrasse were picking on the snails and crabs when I put them into the tank! I haven't seen this behavior before, but I hope they get used to them and stop soon!

As a side note I ordered two koralia nanos, a media bag, and a pre-skimmer for my protein skimmer from Marine Depot today! Excited for those to arive!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I want this!!\
Maybe it will increase the gunk I get out of my skimmer, hopefully I can buy it soon... also looking at a new light in the future! Trip to AC&C soon for clean up crew!!